Okay, I shall bore you with the details of HOW I became a Supernatural Junkie first. Get the exciting stuff out the way huh?
I started watching Supernatural back in the good old days when it was first aired on our screens. I avidly watched "Pilot" and I was instantly hooked. Strangely enough, the fact that there was two hunky men in it did nothing to make me watch. I actually liked the programme. Anyways, after I watched the Pilot episode my wonderful shift pattern changed at work (typical) and I didn't watch it after that.
Fast forward to three weeks ago. I was up on a Thursday night (I started nightshift the next night) and I was channel surfing, as you do when you're bored out of your skull. I happened to see that Supernatural was on, so I decided to see which Episode it was. Turns out it was "Lazarus Rising" and that was the start of Season Four. So, I watched the Episode AND the one after which was "Are You There God?" Lo and behold BOTH Episodes were AWESOME.
So I was a bit confused, what with only EVER seeing one episode before. But, it sure made for good watching. The fact that Dean was MAJORLY hunky had nothing to do with it. Honest >.> After watching these Episodes I downloaded ALL of Seasons One, Two, Three and 12 Episodes of Season Four and watched them all in under a week. Am I nuts? A tad obsessed? Or just a Supernatural Junkie?
So what did I watch before becoming this junkie, I hear you ask. Well, I shall tell you.
Angel - David Boreanaz was WELL dreamy back then.
Buffy - Only because Angel did a Buffy/Angel crossover episode.
24 - I was interested to see how Kiefer's career had plummeted even further. I was wrong.
CSI Las Vegas, Miami AND New York - I like all things forensicly.
Lost - Back then it was actually worth watching. Now it's boring as hell and they all need to be killed off.
So, my question to you is this ..... WHAT DID YOU WATCH BEFORE SUPERNATURAL?
Call me nosey, but it would be interesting to read and see your views.
Once a fan, always a fan
10 years ago