We all have our favourite good guys (Dean for me), but I'm sure we all have our favourite Demons too.
My favourite Demon has to be "The Yellow Eyed Demon". At the start we don't get much information other than he killed Sam and Dean's mother. As Season One progresses we get to know him more. By Season Two, all Hell breaks loose whenever he is around.
Once a fan, always a fan
10 years ago
I think my favorite villain or demon would have to be...hmmm...ooo you know tough question. My favorite demon was Old!Ruby, but I really can't stand her now. I like the way they use TYED and the complexity they put into him and how everything really tied together. But I guess my favorite in an episode where the 7 deadly sins. I really dug that episode. Oh, and Bela always got my blood boiling, so did Gordon. Okay, now that I've listed half of all of them practically I'll stop. ;)