Saturday, 16 May 2009

Devil's Trap


Well, I downloaded the last two Episodes of Season Four yesterday (Friday) and I avoided looking at the net to see what all my buddies were going to talk about regarding the Finale.

I watched "When The Levee Breaks" when I got home from work this morning. Considering my brain was mush by the time I got home, that was a pretty good feat for me. It has to be the most dramatic Episode I have seen so far in the Season. The whole brother vs brother thing has FINALLY reached a head.

It was a bit astounding to see Sam beat the absolute and utter crap out of Dean and Dean just take it. So not like him to do that. Maybe he has finally given up and is doing what he says a lot. He's quitting. He's done.

It was quite an emotional roller coaster for me. There was the four hallucinations for Sam. All of then toying with his fragile and emotional state. You were actually starting to feel sorry for Sam being trapped in the Panic Room.

Then there was Dean giving in to Castiel and agreeing to be the Angels "bitch" (Bobby's word). This is something he has said from the start he will not become. Well, looks like he is and what a "bitch" he is going to be !!!

Moving on from the whole Angels "Bitch" thing, we see Castiel being very sneaky and underhanded by letting Sam out of the Panic Room. What game is he trying to manoeuvre? Is he deliberately pitting the brothers against each other and for what gain? What does he get out of this little apocalypse?

Enter Ruby. The Demon we all love to hate. How can she keep feeding Sam when there is no doubt that he has told her what Bobby and Dean have been trying to do? I'm with Dean on this one. She is a control freak !!! What does she want with Sam? You get the feeling there is going to be a HUGE twist with her in "Lucifer Rising".

Now I know by the time I have posted this most of you on the planet will have seen "Lucifer Rising". I shall watch it this evening and tomorrow I shall rant some more about the Finale. This is just my perspective on "When The Levee Breaks". I was emotionally drained by the time the Episode concluded. Please tell me I wasn't the only one !!!

Nice work Eric !!!!


  1. Yeah, after that episode, me and my sister just sort of sat there. We always watch Supernatural together and then talk about it after but we didn't talk at all. I think one of us broke and finally dicussed how depressing it was. I can't wait until you see the final episode. I'm curious what you will think of it.

  2. Good News !!!! I've watched the Finale. Will rant about it too :->


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