When I watched the Finale two weekends ago, I briefly touched (in my Comments) the subject of who would either play or who do we think Lucifer is. I received a couple of good comments and I thank those people for actually interacting with me. So I have been thinking about this for a wee while now and I would like to know who you think Lucifer is. We've all seen the fictitious photographs of a little red man with a pitch fork, but who do you think Lucifer is or who would you like (as I mentioned
earlier) to play him in the next installment of
I am still rooting for the obvious or maybe not so obvious person. I think that Papa Winchester himself is Lucifer. Now before you all start throwing things at your monitors screaming "he's too young and Lucifer's ancient", cast your minds back to when Dean was in Hell. Those three months were indeed a VERY long time. So who's to say that Papa Winchester can't be Lucifer.
He's been trapped in Hell/the Devil's Gate for ages now. I think he's been trained to step up and be Lucifer. Instead of fighting the good fight, he's now fighting the bad fight. How would Dean and Sam cope with that as a twist? Dean would probably be driven over the edge, what with the whole Demonic Sam thing and now daddy dearest is evil incarnate. Even he couldn't comprehend something like that would happen. But on the other side of the spectrum, it could be that Sam and Papa Winchester have been plotting all along together to destroy Dean for good and send him back to those
fiery depths and torture.
Again, feel free to leave your comments. If you have a better person in mind, please share with me. I'm curious. Besides, I've got to write something here until the madness commences in September.